
Friday, December 18, 2015

Blog Post

Samsung in 2016: Expanding its Galaxy way beyond the phone

 the South Korean company will look to everything from smartwatches to refrigerators to virtual reality in an effort to reignite your excitement about its technology.
- Samsung is looking to make everything smart in 2016.


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Social Bookmarking Project

  1. 1.What's another way you can organize and store information on your computers?
  2. 2.What have you learned from researching the above topics? What do you know now about those current events that you didn’t know before?
  3. 3.What are other social bookmarking apps/websites?
  4. 4.Will you continue to use social bookmarking?

1- You can bookmark it using this website to store it. Or you can also use digg reader and use the RSS feed to mark it.
2- I have learned that Notre Dame has entered the top 4 to enter the college football playoffs. Also that how they are trying to enforce the bullying laws in all schools. I didn't know that terrorism threats happen everyday they just don't leak it on the news every time because they happen all the time.
3- Other bookmarking apps and websites are digg reader and delicious.
4- I might use social bookmarking in the future with school while doing research on a topic it can help with saving the websites and articles you want to use as sources.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Do Now 12/15

     If I got to wear an invisible cloak for one day and had to do one good deed I would go to a city and clean it up. When somebody litters I will just put it in the garbage. Also when I see garbage on the ground I will just throw it away and not just leave it there on the ground.
     If I see a stray dog or cat I will take it to the shelter or to its owner. I won't just let it walk and eventually get hit by a car. These are just good things that you should do everyday.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Do Now

     The class I would add to our curriculum is wood shop. The class would be an elective so you would have it for 2 marking periods like the others. The students would design and learn how to build handy objects with wood. They would learn how to use the tools and machines. It would be loud because of the cutting machines. It would have desk with bunch of tool boxes and wood cutting machines. It would feel like a wood shop. The students would produce different types of stuff they could use but made out of wood.

RSS Discussion Questions

1- I selected the websites because I read them and realized they were interesting. Also that they were on topics that I am interested in.

2- It was easy to find the RSS feeds on the websites. They were mainly on the bottom of the page.

3- My favorite feed was the one on because that it gives me the latest news on players and teams in the league.

4- You can use RSS feeds for many things but one is to keep everything organized.

5- I am most likely not going to use it because I don't want to and I don't really need to use it.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Do Now 11/30

     The best Thanksgiving I had was last year because my whole family was there. We all talked about how we been because none of us live close to each other so we don't get to talk that often. We all catch up on stuff. This year there was everyone and no one was not there.
     Some of us watch the football games in the living room and the others sit in the kitchen just talking. Usually around 3:30 my aunt starts putting the big dinner out and we all go to the table and wait for everyone to finish getting there plate ready. Then my uncle leads a prayer and we all start eating. Once we finish eating we go back to the living room and continue to watch football.
     Then about a half hour later my aunt gets the desserts out and we all start to eat the desserts and watch more football. We don't have any real traditions other than we always make a prayer before dinner and we always watch the football games.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Wiki Dissection AL

1- The purpose of this Wiki is to give resources, give examples of disruptive technology, and innovations in the classroom.
2- October 31st, 2006 was the last post made to this wiki.
3- They must have created a wiki for students hence the term (k12) meaning kindergarten up to 12 grade. They signed up for an account on a type of website to create this wiki. They used a chart to demonstrate the topic.
4- I would add an image or two to catch the readers eyes.
5-  I have learned about different about different places to find information from wikis such as blogs, podcasts, and social networks.
6- If I created a wiki with a team on a specific topic I would make it on New Jersey high school football for latest updates on scores, rankings, and games. Also for individual state leaders in stats.
7- They can be used as information sources that you can use for papers and research. Also kids could make it and present to the class on a topic that they had to research.

Monday, November 9, 2015

do now 11/9

     Over this long weekend I had football practice in the mornings of Thursday and Friday. Thursday night I went out to eat at Friday's. Then Friday night I went to a football game in Wallington playing Becton. Becton won and there was almost a fight that broke out. After the game I went home and went to sleep.
     On Saturday I had our last home game playing Harrison. Which we lost 17-16 by a game winning field goal. There was many bad calls and our team did not play how we usually do because Harrison was not good. We are 5-4 for our overall record. Then after the game I ordered Papa John's pizza for dinner. On Sunday all I did was watch football and do homework.
 Papa John's
 Sleepy's website

Image result for wood ridge new jersey football 


Tuesday, November 3, 2015

tech article

New Chair That Lets You Lie Down At Work.

- This new chair lets you lie down at work but you can still do your work
- The desk tilts and positions where you can type look at the screen and use your mouse all while laying down
- The keyboard is built in to the desk with the screen and the mouse is held to the desk with magnets so it will not fall
- You don't just have to lay down you can also sit on a tilt like a sofa and you can of course sit in it like a regular chair

Monday, November 2, 2015

do now

     I have learned a lot from this article about copyrighting. It what you can do if you make something and do not want anybody to copyright your work. Also it tells what to do what you can do and what happens when someone copyrights your work. Also it shows you can copy images on the computer and put on a presentation but you should try to determine if the image is licensed or not because if it is than that is copyrighting.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

tech article

Wearable Sensors Could Translate Sign Language Into English

- Wearable sensors could one day interpret the gestures in sign language and translate them into English, providing a high-tech solution to communication problems between deaf people and those who don’t understand sign language.
- Engineers at Texas A&M University are developing a wearable device that can sense movement and muscle activity in a persons arm.
- It works by figuring out the gestures a person is making by using to distinct sensors. One that responds to the motion of the wrist and the other to the muscular movements in the arm.
- A program then wirelessly receives this information and converts the data into the English translation.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Do Now 10/19

     You can use google forms in your life because you can make surveys for your jobs. Also you can make it for a product you are trying to sell if it is for a bake sale for your school or something big.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

tech article

Real Life Iron Man

The military's suit will be made of liquid armor that can solidify on command.
An amalgam of academics, defense industry types and Pentagon personnel are trying to fine-tune the battery-powered exoskeleton, which would reduce strain on the body, provide superior ballistic protection and in-helmet technologies to boost communications and visibility.
While many of the suit's technologies already exist, the TALOS researchers are tasked with adapting those technologies into a product that's both advanced and maneuverable.

Friday, October 9, 2015

tech article

Syren Pro
- It is a wireless bluetooth speaker that is completely water resistant.
- With true wireless stereo pairing, which lets you create your own stereo system wireless using two speakers.
- Can be plugged in or ran on batteries. 
- Cost 129.99

Friday, October 2, 2015

Tech Article

Target Begins Rolling Out Apple Watch To U.S. Stores This Week

  - Target has announced that in some stores they will be selling the apple watch. 

- Apple watch will be able to buy on October 18th

- The announcement states it will be about $600.00

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tech article

The BattleView 360 system has the potential to greatly heighten the awareness of mounted soldiers


- BAE Systems is looking to solve one of the most restrictive elements with tank warfare through its BattleView 360 digital mapping system.
- The versatile technology will allow the crew of an armored vehicle to see through the metal confines of their war machine, allowing for unprecedented levels of combat awareness for the crews of combat vehicles.

Web 2.0 Multimedia blog pre posting

Jake Colon

     This year I am taking algebra 1 with Mr. Santangelo. He is a math teacher for Wood-Ridge High School. He has been teaching at Wood-Ridge for a few years now. I expected to learn about algebra and how to solve the equations. I haven't really learned anything yet that I did not already know yet. 

  Everything he has taught I learned last year with Mr. Min.  He does 10% homework 10% informal assessment and test, quiz, and projects make up the rest. I don't like algebra so I do not look forward to anything in the class. We do not go on any trips and he did not say anything about fun projects.
    We use some technology in algebra 1. We use calculators all the time. Also we use the chromebooks when he made a review game for the quiz but other than that we do not use that much technology.       
                        Websites for Math


Thursday, September 17, 2015

Tech article

The Livescribe Echo 3 Smartpen 

The Smartpen is a pen That has a camera in the tip records what you write. It stores it in you memory.
- All you memory gets saved to the live scribe app so you can write an essay and easily transfer to a computer or tablet