
Monday, November 30, 2015

Do Now 11/30

     The best Thanksgiving I had was last year because my whole family was there. We all talked about how we been because none of us live close to each other so we don't get to talk that often. We all catch up on stuff. This year there was everyone and no one was not there.
     Some of us watch the football games in the living room and the others sit in the kitchen just talking. Usually around 3:30 my aunt starts putting the big dinner out and we all go to the table and wait for everyone to finish getting there plate ready. Then my uncle leads a prayer and we all start eating. Once we finish eating we go back to the living room and continue to watch football.
     Then about a half hour later my aunt gets the desserts out and we all start to eat the desserts and watch more football. We don't have any real traditions other than we always make a prayer before dinner and we always watch the football games.

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